
Showing posts from September, 2022

Backyard Discovery Grill Gazebo DIY

Watch out home improvement and home building stores there is a new company taking over and fulfilling our needs as outdoor enthusiasts!  Backyard Discovery Canada! This Fall we had the amazing opportunity to work with Backyard Discovery Canada and build our very own  Saxony Grill Gazebo ! This was the first gazebo we had built in our yard and I was nervous about how everything was going to come together since it is such a large project.  The pieces came in a few large boxes and were all wrapped up nice and securely keeping everything from getting any sort of damage which was appreciated. When we started going through the pieces everything was very well labelled and the instructions were very easy to read. All the pieces were accounted for and everything came in neatly organized bags and packages creating a very easy to follow project.  The entire project was such high quality and each piece was easy to fit together with the others. We actually had a great time putting this together, we