Helpful Tips For Parents To Tackle January

January can be the hardest month of the year for some people, not only is it winter and this has its own pitfalls but it’s right after Christmas, you probably spent a bunch of money and feel a lot of regret. It’s a new year and many people are trying to improve their lives, this can make you look at your life and feel like you could have done more, aren’t where you should be in life or need to make improvements to your current situation. Don’t start the year off feeling like you are less than you are! We are ok doing the best we can with the hand we have been dealt and if you aren’t then maybe you can start. Start small and make goals obtainable so you can have that feeling of accomplishment and triumph. Read this great piece on How To Make New Years Resolutions Actually Stick! Start working out a plan to create more of a successful budget of your having money struggles. Start paying off bills and start saving even if it’s only a few dollars every month. Find ways to make more sid...